Wednesday, April 29, 2009


There is a force that wants us to realize our dreams;it whets our appetite with a taste of success..and also as the age old saying goes when we really want something truly,the entire universe conspires in helping us achieve it.but i really wonder how true this is??Given my eccentric nature..i am very fickle minded when it comes 2 stuff i really want..Being the kind of person i am..i am well aware of all the things i don't want but am sadly ignorant of the thing i truly want..Now this is a condition i'm sure most of my peers can identify with save those people who r commited towards dere own self n dere own life..mamma says dese people belongs 2 the school of "intelligent people" who r serios bout dere own lives but i sadly belong 2 d other group ...who is confused n unsure of wat her ambition really according 2 mamma..i'm placed in the school of "stupid fools"...brilliant n truthful categorization n d shameless creature that i am..i am not even complaining..Mamma says unlike my friends who r more matured than i am .."I don't think"..yess point noted.."i don't think" rather "i never think"..but i ask u people honestly ..who thought bout d carnage dat swept our nation on 26/11 n left the economic capital of our world shaken if not stirred???who could account 4 ol the lives dat were lost??i am happy to say dat my family and closed ones escapd unscathed..yess dats all v really care about.As long as v are safe..v r fine..our family is all right..d rest of the world can go 2 hell..yes..i know dere are hundreds of people like me who thinks that sumthing should be done n believes in d "greater good of mankind"..but they sadly can only think..When it comes 2 really matching words with action..our high octane speeches start losin lustre n our passion and belief starts wavering..dis sadly is 2day's youth!!! n i olso count myself as 1 of i am not being cynical..i am just being blatantly honest..More dan d violence asociated with that incident ..i was shaken by d inherrent truculent nature of man....WE hav all metamorphosized 4m human beings 2 savaages..dis statement takes me back 2 the primitive instincts of man.."jealousy","envy"...d modern man is much more sopisthicated morphologically but d essence sadly is same...Darwin's philosophy "survival of the fittest" seems to be the key..but wat fight r v fightin??Some r fightin against opression..some r fighting against illiteracy..some r fightin against dowry,infanticide,child-rights,child marriage n servitude of females...the list is surprisingly long but d pathos,angst of d victims of all the above r strikingly real...dey r tangible n palpable..We only fight against social issues but how many of us really understand d emotions of the victims if v haven't been a victim ourselves..??yet i feel..evry1 of us at sumtym or the other has been d victim of sum crime or the other..v hav ol been exploited in sum way way or the other..v hav ol suferred in d hands of FATE..
U c v hav 2 maintain an equilibrium..evrythin shud b made available 2 us in right v r livin in this country where v hav dis huge gapin hiatus betweeen the opulent and the deprived..The affluent people hav d rights 2 evrythin .dey even hav the right 2 tek our lives...if dey want 2 n never get prosecuted ...yess dats true!!..d Deprived on the other hand pay 4 ol d crimes dat d opulent commit..u c d equilibrium has 2 b maintained!!!DIS IS LAW>>DIS IS JUSTICE!!!!...mind u in d land WHERE CRIME IS LAW,THERE R NO CRIMINALS!!Sum wise people hav said if evry1 did there own work..even if it meant cleaning their own door-steps every day or getting rid of their own personal evils..dis world would hav been a much better place..
So mamma..hope u r readin dis..i am doing my work..n dats 2 enjoy ol d moments dat i get ven i am not being conditioned by society evry moment of my lyf..if u ask me..whether i am doin right???..i'll ask u do u think God is doing the right thing???i am only a mere mortal...

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