There are certain excesses I wish I could dispense with, to commensurate a mythical Balance in my Head. Too much of reading and fantasizing about contrived, plotted situations hinders you from thinking and enslaves you into simulating what you know is not your thought,your word,your belief. It impinges on your moral sanctity and lays siege to your Intellect. You are actually a harlequin in a greater pantomime that is beyond your comprehension. You vicariously lead an existence which bemuses you into believing that you are a prepossessing interlocutor, contending big, weighty questions that have the immense potential to change the contours of the universe.
Of course it is all happening in your head- to assuage your dwindling self belief and ephemeral will power. There is a greater drama going on there that you are obviously not aware of. You are cuddled into believing you are destined for something great when the internecine forces are vying with one another to corner you at the next signal. Haha. this is the moment when you look all smug and say "i told you so."
There is a test today at precisely 12:50 pm. of course, too much of reading has caused this epiphany.Need to go and sleep.
Of course it is all happening in your head- to assuage your dwindling self belief and ephemeral will power. There is a greater drama going on there that you are obviously not aware of. You are cuddled into believing you are destined for something great when the internecine forces are vying with one another to corner you at the next signal. Haha. this is the moment when you look all smug and say "i told you so."
There is a test today at precisely 12:50 pm. of course, too much of reading has caused this epiphany.Need to go and sleep.