Saturday, June 27, 2009
Lately, i have become sort of a recluse as opposed to the gregarious, outgoing extrovert i once was...maybe as a result of my peristent failures or simply due to my impending exams.With all my exams finally over, i relented easily towards this outing. since i had missed rat's birthday treat just the day before, i did not want to be the spoil-sport on this occasion as well and also i was really lookin forward to meet Ritu after a long time. As usual, i arrived fashionably late..lolzzz and was taken aback to find both of them actually before time for the first time.
The movie has been labelled 'unwatchable' going by the T2 review. The highly exaggerated and overrated T2 review was further accentuated by the words '150 mins of complete boredom'...i somehow disagree...maybe it wasn't great, neither was it flawless or impeccable in any sense but still it was v much 'watchable' in every sense..and i seriously do not regret spendin 90 bucks.maybe i'm a bit biased because the movie revolve round 3 friends n we were also 3 friends together in the movie hall but nevertheless the movie was highly emotional and had some defining moments which did tug at my heart-strings.i did identify with the character of Omar, torn between his love for Katrina's Maya and his loyalty to his best friend Sameer on one hand and his betrayal on the other a very simple way it hints at a v distorted theory of life-- whom you percieve to be your worst enemy is in reality your truest well-wisher....sounds weird but yess its v much plausible...
The end was unpredictable and so director Kabir khan scores brownie points on that note.the peppy "yaaron" number made me nostalgic and brought back lots of memories of school life which was heightened by the presense of two of my closest friends n even before i realized, my eyes had become moist.a lot of memories came back suddenly to me.
I still remember the day when Rats first came to my house for Premraj sir's tuition in cls 9...previosly our maths tuition comprised only two freaked out specimens, me and Ritu. So we were both a little bit apprehensive of this "new" inclusion to our group.we were v possessive of our privacy..lolzz.Even though i had known Rats, ever since i was a little kid n used to study at CGHS, still before that, we were never exactly 'close' friends.His initiation to our group was however a defining moment and ever since then,we three have bonded v strongly....the two years passed in a daze and suddenly we found ourselves in cls 11, with no premraj sir's tuition to fall back upon.However surprsinglyly instead of weakening the bond between 'the terrefic trio' strengthened with time.The only visible change was the fact that me n ritu stopped calling ratul, 'ratullaaa' n started calling him 'rats' [no rats, u don have to get inflated, it has got no relation to a certain Samadrita saying out of the blue that you resemble Imran Khan..lolzz]...but Rats it did become....he is v much proud of his 'wig' trick n his paintings and was upset with me as i had not talked about them explicitly in my post about ok guyz let me enlighten you about his myriad talents in diverse fields...
He always used to entertain us with his pathetic jokes and his infamous "wig trick" [ highly publiscized: courtesy, RItu and yours truly]..even my sis found it highly entertaining.His artisic endeavours for me however lies unparalleled...and sometimes some of his drawings...showed signs of a 'true genius' besotted by art..and no maybe for the first time..i am not exaggerating...Its amazing, the way he hand paints most of the shirts he time i want a hand painted shirt for both me and ritu..and if you agree, we three can start a business as will look after the artistic department while me n Ritu would conveniently look after the finance department...lolzz..
Ritu on the other hand has been my bestest friend for a long time it wasn't premraj sir's tuition which brought us close..but still our bond strengthened as we started 'reading minds' and 'faces'...this girl is really clairvoyant in a weird quirky sort of a way...she seems to understand a lot of untold things and the way she handles pressure and excessive stress is highly commendable....this girl never fails to intrigue me and they say 'experience is your best teacher'..i have learnt a lot just by being a silent [not so silent at times] spectator of her life..
So the three of us that day had a highly exhilarating time, heightened by our brief stint at KFC....and the snaps that we sure the three of us resembled lunatics who were out of their mind in our quest to find someone who would be more than ready to click a snap of the three of us was perfectly hilarious, the way i confidently went up to the security-man to get our snaps taken, who politely refused..straight to my face..hehehe..
The much talked about snaps are however not with me...and so when i myself can lay my hands on it, i'll publish it on my blog....
I really had a good time and for me it was a trip down memory lane...few moments of togetherness with two of my closest friends, i don't think i could ever ask for anything more....even though we have grown up now, beneath the garb of an 18 yr old responsible, mature [am talking about you 2, keep me out of still yet to become responsible], individual lies three children always in the lookout for security and was this security and familiarity that we three had felt in Premraj sir's tuition and that is the reason why we are so comfortable with each other....something, tells us we were destined to meet Sir n go to the same tuition..because this iconic tuition paved the way for this beautiful friendship that we share today..
Ritu and Rats..i need to congratulate you two for your brilliant results this year..JU calling..lolzzz...i hope we three make it to the same sure we'll make sure half the people at JU goes mad...Also last but not the least, i want to thank you two for always being there for me irrespective of the thousand times i have misunderstood you both...i have shouted at you both, been extremely rude at times...hurt you both in many ways..but still i somehow knew you both can't remain angry with me for lolzz..i'll continue to shout at you both..i'll really miss the cheerful banter that we three shared on every topic under the sun ranging from highly philosophical, didactic lectures to the cheapest joke possible..lolzz..n ooh..yess ..sometimes censored stuff as could i forget that..
i wouldn't say i'll miss you two because i know, i wouldn't ever get that opportunity to miss you both ..because you two are a v important part of my life,,,missing you guyz would be akin to missing a part of my own self..
LOve u guyz..a hell lot..n we three ROCK..[ upside convinced..lolzz]
Saturday, June 13, 2009
SAGNIK...aka our very own "shaggu"...there can never be any serious moment in close proximity to this guy...hez like your 24 hrs free "entertainment" channel...having everyone in splits with his inane weird self-improvised and ritu truly agree that you are an unique sample and not everybody has such good fortune to come across such an unique specimen in his or her entire life-time.i must say, i am very are terribly funny..sometimes, i really wonder how come, you managed to escape from the zoo??..but you are a very simple person and at the end of the day , its wholly your simplicity which sets you apart from all of us and gives you that 'special' place in our hearts..your simplicity ROCKS..shaggu..i still remember all the funny moments that me, ritu, rats and you shared at premraj sir's tuition..still remember your huge crush on "sayanti"..your so called "body-guard"..hehe.. and even today you.. have never ceased to entertain us with your never-ending anecdotes bout your current love-inerest.."tayeeeee" used to be highly entertaining, when in midst of a boring class, you used to suddenly break the silence screamin "tayeeeeee, i want you"..[sorry, no offence ritu]..but thats the way you are, weird, simple, sweet and terribly are really this highly lovable "cartoon character"..and even my sis seems to agree with this..your reputation is on the rocks, shaggu...we love you simply the way you are..distorted, crazy, topsy-turvy with your weird unparalelled sense of humour..lolzz god bless u always..never ever change you "specially" from me...lolzz... SAPPY.....the "DEVDAS" of our class always seemed to be upset bout somrthing or the other...but at the end of the day you have always been and will always remain one of my closest have always been one of my strongest support system who have been there with me throughout beside me, irrespective of me being rude to you more than once....i know i have hurt you many times but i have never ever done it deliberately..its just that i used to get irritated with your ever-complaining ang highly sentimental have to forgive me for that..i still remember how every single day, despite your getting late from your tuitions, you used to accompany me on my way home from were always partcular about me reaching home safely...we both have shared a lot of memories together..have been there for each other through good times and bad....sappy,my only advice to you from me is that you have to overcome your highly emotional nature, in the long run it never does are very talented, not to mention your beautiful hand-writing and your spectacular paintings..[yessi still remember your paintings]..creativity runs in your veins..and you are more talented than you yourself realize or give credit to your own self..i know this year has not been very lucky for you..but i want you to believe that only good things can happen to you from now on....never ever look back but move forward with a new zeal, a new inspiration...and never ever consider yourself to be a 'loser'[ i won't forgive you if you do]...sappy, you are truly very special to me and just remember this i am your friend..the entire world can say whatever they want doesn't matter to me..i'll be there for you always...i'll really miss you a lot..god bless you..god bless my dearfriend..!!!............. SAKALLYA aka RIJU...firstly i want to tell you bro that i have increased a lot over the past few months and now i am almost 6 ft..and no..i have not yet started wearing heels...lolzz..jokes apart..dear bro, you are truly very special to "confidante" in times of distress, your reassuring voice fills me with an immense sense of positivity and maybe that's solely the reason why, i do not think twice before confiding in you about my troubles....i still remember how i had started crying over the phone a few days back when things had'nt been working..and talking to you filled me with lot of "self-belief" and gave me the will to have my last tryst with that master combat..i still do not know who succeeded but today i know whatever may be the outcome, i am prepared to face it....and thanx to you, i have the strength to do that...sakallya, you are special, truly very special to are a very good human being and again you are very simple...and that's exactly the reason why i love you so much.a very talented musician but first and foremost, you are a very sweet and a caring brother to a very sweet and equally crazy sis [ yours truly..lolzz].....i have always had your support when i have needed you the most..and today i feel truly very happy for you...i love you a lot dear bro....god bless you always and whenever you need me, remember your sis is always there by your side...
there you still not done yet!!..i'm very sleepy now..will get back to you guyz very soon..till then CHEERS!!!!...
here, am back again with the second part of my narrative about what finally happens to that girl.AMRITA- NOW...extrovert, highly energetic, vivacious, super-friendly,vulnerable,talkative to the point of being garrulous, uses slangs herself at times, when she falls short of words or in moments of passionate frenzy,can be highly irritating and violent at times. also, she has this weird habit of relapsing into high octane speeches and highly philosophical discussions anyplace anytime without any notice, much to the exasperation of her innocent victims. can be quite a prankster and has also efectively featured in the notorious section of the class [brilliant acomplishment], gets punished by the teachers quite often for her insolence, but also manages to get herself associated in all the heated discussions in her class and also becomes the butt of ridicule at times and manages to keep the label of "incandescent" bulb still going strong. All in all, she has quite a eventful, happy life, a stark contrast to the depressed, irritable, frustrated girl you people had got acquainted before. ... there, its time for me to introduce you to myself and all those people who are an indispensable part of my life today..needless to mention, each and everyone of them is special, truly special to me and somewhere they all have made me into whatever i am today....nostalgia overflows and suffocates me, n even before i realize, my eyes start glistening with tears and yess ITS ALL COMING BACK TO ME!!!, laughter at the silliest joke possible, tears at the slightest reproach.. from the cacophany to reticence, from the myriad emotions to the kaleidoscope of life, i ask you all whats life sans friends...sans loved ones??...
RITU.... my bestest friend throughout SLS. you call me your sister, I call u my twin!!Knowing you, has been one of the best things which ever happened in my life. Our friendship survived a lot of turbulence, misunderstandings,but we have both overcome it and our friendship rocks and is here to stay forever. The best part about "US" is that we both understand each other so well.In moments of darkness, moments of happiness, i know i just need to turn around to find you beside me.I know, there have been times when i have been very harsh on you,but at the end of the day, all that mattered to me was your hapiness.I have learnt a lot from you.Your academic track record, your stage presense, your sense of responsiblity have always been spectacular but i have learnt the true essence of genuinely being good from you. You have taught me what "kindness" truly is.... one request however, stop being so precocious in matters related to "love" because in the end, you only end up hurting yourself.Even though i try to be your pillar of strength in times of crisis,i want to make an honest confession today.I am not so strong. It breaks me,when you come crying to me like a little child. i know, i hold you in my arms, and try to drown your tears but it breaks me inside, knowing that my best friend is unhappy.You are special..truly special to me.Sometimes, even words cannot express what silence on that note, i just want you to know; i really love you a lot.......more than all my friends put together!!!God bless my dear sister always!!..
Abhishek..i call him abhi.Its difficult writing about someone whom you know so well as i know abhi.I never realized, when we had actually become so close.through good times and bad, we have always been there for each other.I really think, in our previous life, we must have been true 'siblings in spirit', judging by all the hours that we spend together talking absolute crap of no utmost importance as such. you have always been very supportive of my whims and fancies and understand me completely.You'r one person with whom i'm completely myself.i might get irritated with your overtly sentimental and emotional nature but inspite of all the teasings, the pranks that we play on each other, at the end of the day, you are a very important part of my life.we have had a lot of fun memories together and i hav enjoyed every moment of it.only you have that special right to call me a "nut-case" and get away with it.lolzz..but at times you irritte the hell out of me, but so do no complaints matter what, am sure we'll always be together because you are just a phone call away. i wish you all the best in life.god bless you are very talented in your own weird quirky ways ..hehehe..but remember abhi, no one n i mean it when i say "NO ONE" is more special to you than "you" yourself...
RATS...ah!!..Ritu, me n Rats, the terrefic trio!..well about you. the only thing that i have to say is that your main priority in life seems to revolve around food and more food.well, jokes apart this guy has much more to him than just being a self confessed gourmet.we have both literally grown up together.i still remember all the pathetic jokes, he used to crack in a futile effort to entertain us at premraj sir's tuition.He has a habit of demonstrating his physical prowess at most unexpected times, n unfortunate me have been many a times a victim of his "blows".i'll learn karate, judo whatever n then you wait and watch.on a serious note, we have shared a lot of memories together, thanx to the close proximity of our homes.yet, under the veneer of the light-hearted friendship that we share, i have got to know a much deeper person inside.we have had our fair share of misunderstandings but we have always forgiven each other and thats what has paved the way today for the sweet friendship that we both share.A man of few words, he has a weird way of expressing his true feelings but today somewhere i have come closer towards understanding you.i really won't miss u now that school is over, because i know i can meet up with you whenever i want to.GOD BLESS U..n there'z no need for you to get so inflated and pompous when my sis say that you resemble "Daniel Radcliffe"[ i pity daniel radcliffe..hehehe..i told sis is biased when it comes to a certain specimen called "Ratul"]...lolzzz...kudos to our frienship which has evolved so much over the years.!!n don't ever be under the misconception for heaven's sake, that you are God's gift to women!!!
i'm feeling v sleepy..but will get back to u guyz v soon with the rest of the "special" people in my life..
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Arrogance, The Hatred and finally The Acceptance....
AMRITA- 6 yrs back....snobbish, over-confident with this infamous irascible temperament...the prim and proper no nonsense girl..who detested all sorts of "non puritan" language [read: highly censored bengali slangs], hated the so called "unruly" people of her class, hated the frenzy, the excitement...she wasn't an introvert, neither was she reticent but she simply disliked interacting with such kinds of "non-intellectual" people...and found solace in the thousand books in her just imagine, how difficult it must have been for a girl like her, used to strict discipline and a convent prim and proper upbringing [thanks to her previous school] , to adjust in this jungle called SLS...yess i do sympathize with her now...needless to say, she had a culture shock.
Fresh out of a school, entirely predominated by girls, imagine her horror, when fate suddenly exposed her to the so called "opposite sex"..n that too belonging to the infamous "notorious" section..
first day at school was simply torture for this girl....
second day killed her...
n the third day, she was absent for a week...
misunderstood by her family for her inablity to adjust to the new [read,torturous] environment... far from growing up into a young lady, she grew up into a REBEL..
things were difficult, very difficult..she hated her new school because she felt it was an ill-omen in her life..her coming to this new school coincided with the biggest tragedy in her life....somewhere, she needed to blame someone for her misfortune..GOD and this new school was the most convenient option...
she was frustrated, hence misbehaved with her family, her new class-mates..she hated them!!
that was her way of venting out her frustration, but people took it for arrogance.!!!
1 month in that school, she had already carved a niche for herself in that school, yes she had becom highly popular [read: unpopular] for her querolous, pugnacious nature....
things weren't easy for her because things were not so great on d home-front as well, especially when she kept on bickering with her mom over the silliest of things possible....
after she had lost the person whom she loved the most in this world, she never really had anyone whom she could come close to call that person her "friend" other words..she was friend-less enveloped by her iiritation and frustrations throughout..
she was frustrated because things were not going the way she had planned..
she had big dreams but instead found hersef neck-deep in a scenario , she had never even imagined in her worst night-mares..
but to every cloud, there's a silver lining as the famous adage goes..and that silver lining came ironically in the form of SLS........The acceptance..[read:initiation] to this madcaap, super frenzy, super energetic and super invigorating roller coaster ride...
but before i get into that part of the story..i need to introduce you all to all those people who changed her life..n made her into the AMRITA , her friends know today...
but for that..i need to get into the second part of the story...
sorry, mamma is calling for will get back to u guyz very soon..with what happens to this girl...
till then..enjoy..and god bless everyone..

Thursday, June 4, 2009
"A world without literature"
There are people for whom literature is a way of life. In todays world, you are a goner if you aren't a pragmat but in this world of misery,poverty and the juggernaut called 'terrorism', even the strongest pragmat starts delving in the mysteries of the universe and the human mind to reassure himself, that there's a better world, a world much more beautiful, sangfroid,pristine and pure. Literature weaves this elusive, esoteric net round itself that has the magnanimous power to claim even the strongest of pragmats as its victim. People talk of their souls being taken, trust me, i would willingly get myself inebriated by the intoxicating liquor of literature.
Literature has a very special place in my life. More than a way of escaping from the real world, its the perfect archetype of my soul-mate, my only friend in times of distress. It helps me to comes closer to myself, to discover "ME" n identify my lacuna. Romanticism in literature might just be an illusion but at the end of the day, this illusion leads me to believe in the power of mysticism, the power of positivity and yes, the power within myself.
who calls my spirit to soar in the sky...
to dance and to sing and turn darkness to light..
its ME and the power within my LIFE..
O what a wonderful feeling this is!!!!
What becomes profound the fact that i am invincible, inexorable and impuissant. it brings out my inner fortitude and rejuvenates my worn out self in a way even the most energetic drink on this planet can't. so for me a world without literature is like this interminable chasm which is vacous and inane. literature gives me the succour to live. The joys of escaping into a unreal surreal world might be just momentary but the implications are more than fleeting.
In a war-ravaged nation, literature acts as the invigorating saviour to mankind. The war might just be one of the zillion problems faced by mankind but literature acts as that antidote, which more than anything else strives to give mental and postive security.
Literature in the truest sense might mean those ever-green classics, but for me its the chronicles of our day to day lives.Be it a novel, classic or a satire, i find myself connecting with the characters. i identify with them, with their strengths, their weaknesses and their lives. they make my life complete and consciously or sub-consciously they become real to me. Every story i read..seems to hav this strange, uncanny resemblance to my life.maybe thats the reason why the characters in the story becomes real. almost tangible and palpable to me.
i would hate to be a part of this world without literature, predominated by the nefarious ways of Reality.the mere thought itself is stifling but the consequences might be disastrous for someone like me, maybe or maybe not. Its true, its insignificant in real world and at times obscure but for me , its "LIFE"... n MAGIC REALISM!!!!